Changes to housing we have recommended and achieved
You can download the latest Tenant-led Scrutiny Reports from SIFT here:
- Tenant Led Scrutiny Summary – Enquiry Centre
- Tenant Led Scrutiny Summary – Antisocial Behaviour
- Tenant Led Scrutiny Summary – Universal Credit
- Tenant Led Scrutiny Summary – Complaints
- Tenant Led Scrutiny Summary – Voids
- Tenant Led Scrutiny Summary – Responsive Repairs
- Tenant Led Scrutiny Summary – Tyne and Wear Homes Application Form
- Tenant Led Scrutiny Summary – Fire Safety
- Tenant Led Scrutiny Summary – Caretaker Service
Stemming from our scrutiny question “How does the Rent Recovery Team manage the rent arrears of tenants newly transferring to Universal Credit?”, a number of our recommendations have resulted in the following procedures being put in place:
- Have introduced quality assurance checks on a monthly basis to review if Universal Credit Initial Interviews are being carried out by Income Recovery Officers. This has ensures we can quickly identify if processes not being correctly followed and managers are able to raise locally with teams
- Communications at start of UC claim are being taken into consideration as part of a wider review of Income and Collection service in line with transformation. Feedback from SIFT will be used as part of this work
- An e-newsletter targeting UC customers has been developed and tested
- Review of website pages have been under-taken and regular checks on content take place. DHP and APA’s are now explicitly mentioned on website as per SIFT’s feedback
- SIFT have identified issues with IT equipment available in hubs for both customers and YHN teams. This has been raised with higher management as an issue which needs to be considered by both NCC and YHN when reviewing provision of IT.